Worship Leaders needed!
We are starting up a Worship Leader role for our Sunday services.
Each Sunday we would like to have someone lend a hand to Pastor Choi to assist in opening up the Sunday service. We know you can help! The sign‐up sheet is in the narthex. As a Worship Leader you will conduct the service welcome, ask for announcements, and welcome the congregation to greet each other for the passing of the Peace. The next few tasks are familiar too – you will read the Call to Worship, announce the Hymn selection and page number, as well as make the call for Children’s Time. This will be followed by you leading the Prayer of Confession and conducting the Assurance of Pardon. Culminating with asking the congregation if they have any Joys, Concerns, and Praises. That’s it! Pastor Choi will take over from that point with the Pastoral Prayer etc… and conduct the remainder of the service.
The sign‐up sheet is in the narthex. Please lend a hand to help Pastor Choi.