Madrigal Dinner

Enjoy a fun family evening with dinner, music, laughter and Christian fellowship. The cost is only $25.00 per adult and $12.50 for children under 13.  This includes a sit down dinner of soup, pork, chicken, potatoes, vegetable and bread, all served family style in a medieval tradition.  While you dine, you will be entertained by a Christmas play, a choir of carolers, a troupe of handbells, wandering minstrels and jugglers.  With Thanksgiving past and Christmas quickly coming, why not sit back, relax and let someone else do the cooking.

The money raised will be used for a complete upgraded sound and video system for the sanctuary.  Assistance is really needed.  If you can sew costumes, please contact Gerilyn Vangi or Cheryl Juwoto.  If you would like to be a “serving wench” please contact Pauline McShea.  If you can help with publicity, please contact Edna Winans.

If you would like a part in the play (the parts are very small and require no memorization), can help with decorations, sell tickets, post flyers, or have any suggestions, please contact Shelly Sheft:
609-597-4115 /

We had madrigal dinners about 15 years ago and they were a great success.  Let’s try and make this an annual tradition.

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