Family Promise and Chefs on Call


2019 Family Promise 

August 4th through August 11th

Our MUMC congregation will be serving as a Host Site for families who have qualified for support from the Family Promise program. We will be a participating church that will provide temporary shelter for a few homeless families from August 4th through August 11th. Our Family Promise guests (homeless families) will arrive each evening after 5:30PM and depart from our church the next morning by 7:30AM. We continue to need support and volunteers from our congregation in order to fulfill our promise to help the homeless from our local communities. Consider lending a hand to help support our congregation in this commitment. You will receive more information about this mission as we get closer to our Hosting week. Please mark your calendar for our Family Promise Hosting week August 4th through August 11th.

As a reminder: Family Promise of Southern Ocean County is a non‐profit, interfaith hospitality network that organizes local churches to provide temporary shelter, meals, hospitality, and case management for families experiencing homelessness.

Pauline McShea
Along with
Beth Schenck



Chefs on Call – always “on call”




“Chefs on Call” is a new branch of our Family Promise Mission. As you know many churches in our area serve as Host locations for Family Promise families. Sometimes these churches need help. We’ve decided to lend a hand to support our  local church neighborhood friends.

MUMC is going to be “on stand‐by” or “on call” to provide meals for the homeless families being cared for by Family
Promise. We are calling this mission work “Chefs on Call”.

MUMC’s “Chefs on Call” were called into action to provide the evening meals for families that were housed at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in Harvey Cedars. It happened the first week in December. We provided the dinner meal for five days for two mothers and their little children. We took the dinner, set it up and cleaned up too. In addition, our Chefs also served as hospitality hosts. Family Promise was very grateful for our church’s help. Please think about joining “Chefs on Call”. Ask Jackie C., Jo‐Eva A., Sue & Jim L., Jennifer & Nathaniel E. or Beth & Bob S. about their experiences as they provided an evening meal and hospitality fellowship for needy families. If you are willing to help, please tell Kathy the church secretary your name and she’ll share it with our MUMC “Chefs on Call” coordinator.

Thank you for helping!
Pauline McShea  along with Beth Schenck
Family Promise Co-Coordinators

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