MUMC joins the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference in Miracles Everywhere Campaign. A special speaker Rev. Jana M. Purkis‐Brash (Executive Director, The United Methodist Stewardship Foundation) is coming to our church on Sunday, January 13, at both services. Don’t miss it and be part of Miracles Everywhere! Below is the summary of what Miracles Everywhere is all about.
Tanzania: Building the Church United Methodists in Greater New Jersey are on mission that reaches across the world! By partnering with United Methodist communities in Tanzania, we’re helping forge new disciples of Christ by raising $500,000 to start an annual pastors school that equips leaders to make disciples and spread God’s love. Additionally, funds will provide for the launch of new congregations, support clergy salaries and construct a Hope Center with a health clinic and mission hosting facility. Will you be a part of the miracles? Be a part of the Miracles Everywhere Campaign today.
Puerto Rico: The Miracle of Relief United Methodists in Greater New Jersey are on a mission to bring relief and rebuilding to the people of Puerto Rico where thousands are hurting and trying to pick up the pieces of their lives in the aftermath of hurricane devastation. Here in New Jersey, we know firsthand what it’s like to suffer from the effects of hurricanes and have been grateful for those across the region, country and world who have come to our aid. Now we’re stepping up and giving back by raising $500,000 to send mission teams and equip those on the ground with resources to rebuild. Will you be a part of these miracles transforming and rebuilding lives and communities? It’s your turn. Be the miracle. Join the Miracles Everywhere Campaign.
Investing in The Next Generation United Methodists in Greater New Jersey are looking ahead and investing in its most vital mission – the future. By raising $3 million, Next Generation Ministries will grow the faith of 1,000 students in camping experiences, 2,000 more young people by strengthening United Methodist youth ministries in Greater New Jersey and 5,000 middle and high school students at the annual IGNITE youth conference. These miracles are happening! Your support is bringing youth to Christ, forging priceless, life‐altering experiences, changing lives and building the future leaders of the church. Today, you too can be a miracle in the life of a child, teen, or young adult. Don’t miss out on this precious opportunity to shape the future and join the Miracles Everywhere Campaign. Join The Miracles Everywhere Campaign today.
Miracles on Campus United Methodists in Greater New Jersey are looking ahead and investing in its most vital mission – the future. Next Generation Ministries is raising funds to grow the faith of 1,000 college students in ten new college campus ministries. New Jersey is home to 380,000 college students who attend 59 colleges and universities. Nearly 235,000 of those students are on a campus within five miles of a United Methodist congregation. Your support is making miracles happen on campuses across the region, changing lives and building the future leaders of the church. Today, you too can bring the miracle of Christ to a college student. Join The Miracles Everywhere Campaign today.
Hope Centers GNJ is at work spreading hope across the entire region. Through the Miracles Everywhere Campaign, A Future With Hope is building on its success from restoring homes and lives in the wake of Superstorm Sandy and helping communities find hope through the development of 100 Hope Centers that will provide affordable housing, job training and social services for children and youth. $1,000,000 is being raised to provide a future with hope for communities all across GNJ. Will you be a part of this miracle of hope? Join The Miracles Everywhere Campaign today.