Altar Flowers

Starting January, 2014 we are changing the procedure for ordering Altar Flowers.
Instead of the signup sheet in the Narthex, we put together a form similar
to the one we currently use when ordering our Christmas Poinsettias and Easter Flowers.
New procedure:

Please stop in to see or call our Church Secretary (Cheryl Conti) to fill out a new form

Cheryl will confirm the date requested is open

Payment for the flowers is due upon submission of form

Altar Bouquets = $30.00
Special Basket = $30.00
Rosebud        = $ 9.00

We appreciate your help in streamlining and coordinating the flow of information. Most of all, we appreciate your active support in glorifying
God and adding to the beauty of our Sanctuary.

In Christ’s Love
Your Worship Committee


About kirstenmm
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